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PI Luke Glowacki
Boston University

Select Academic Publications
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Glowacki L. 2024. The controversial origins of war and peace: apes, foragers, and human evolution. Evolution and Human Behavior 45:10618.
Venkataraman V., et al. 2024. Female foragers sometimes hunt, yet gendered divisions of labor are real. Evolution and Human Behavior.
Garfield Z., Ringen E., Buckner W., Medupe D., Wrangham R. & Glowacki L. 2023. Norm violations and punishments across human societies. Evolutionary Human Sciences.
*Dogan G., *Glowacki L., *Rusch H. 2018. Spoils division rules shape aggression between natural groups. Nature Human Behaviour. * Equal contribution
Wrangham R. & Glowacki L. 2012. Intergroup aggression in chimpanzees and war in nomadic hunter-gatherers: evaluating the chimpanzee model. Human Nature.
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